I`v been wanting to give Tenley rice cereal for about a week, but I wanted to make sure Adam was home to see it, and we hardly have any time together so the rice cereal has been put on hold for days. Finally, this morning we all woke up bright and early and gave Tens her first bowl of solids! yayy :)
Sorry if this is just another boring baby post, so ignore it if you dont think shes totally scrumptious trying her cereal for the first time. But I doubt you can ;)
the first bite
it looks like she likes it! I couldn`t get the spoon in her mouth fast enough.
Too bad this picture is so dang blurry!
The cereal seemed to be a success!!
like i said... SEEMED to be a success
All the sudden she just hated it
Ummm no thanks mom!
Anyways, its safe to say, in the end the cereal was not as successful as we thought. We`ll see how tomorrow goes!!

Keep it up. Jimmy got used to it, too. The first time was something of a mixed bag, but it got better after a few times. :)