Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Adam!

This is the second year in a row that Adam and I are apart on his birthday. Which is super sad because birthdays are pretty much my favourite thing.
Last year i didnt make his actual birthday very special because I thought we would just celebrate it when he came back. And we did, but I still feel bad that he didnt have anything to open on his birthday. bad wife.
So this year I had to think a little outside the box and figure out how I could get something to his hotel room in Prince Rupert BC. Im so happy with out these turned out, and thought it would be a nice gift for him to "open" on the day of his birth- The other parts of his present I will give to him when hes back home. But for now, here is mine and Tenleys way of saying happy birthday, and a few words about why I love him so much!

As i look back on my life, I cant help but realize its all been preparing me for you.
Everything good or bad, has brought me here, to this life we share.
I used to pray at night, that God would protect "you" and keep you safe until one day I would be able to take over. I didn't know who "you" were, but my heart was preparing me for a love only found in fairy tales.
When I met you, I knew my prayers had been answered.
You are far more than I deserve, and more than my wildest dreams could have dreamt.
Thank you for bringing laughter, joy, wonder, happiness, spontaneity, and love into my life.
You make each day worth living.
Your laugh and your smile light up my world.
Thank you for loving me even in my darkest hours.
And Adam, thank you for being born!
Thanks for making my life wonderful, and for giving me the greatest gift of all.
You my love, are one in a million.

Tenley and I had these birthday pictures taken for you, and we hope you love them!

WE LOVE YOU, and cant wait till you're home.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ergo Cocoon

Tenley will be 9 months next week!
How did this happen? I seriously feel like i just brought her home.

But with that said, I have swaddled her since the day she was born, and still swaddle her every nap, and every night.
Shes severely addicted.
She is QUITE OCD when it comes to her sleep habits, which is good and bad I suppose.
She can be super wired and playful, but the second I swaddle that girl up, she knows its nap time, and falls asleep in minutes.
But really, there is no way she will fall asleep without it (unless she falls asleep in her car seat which JUST started happening since our road trip from Winnipeg to Calgary)
I tried her in a sleep sack, and let me tell you it was a traumatic experience for her.
She just cried and cried and then when i went in to see her she would look at me like "mom, how could you do this to me?"
Everyday it gets harder and harder to swaddle her, because she fights it. She hates getting all wrapped up in her straight jacket, but its the only way she will sleep!
Today I found what I hope is the solution to my swaddling-a-9-month-old-baby problem.
its called the Ergo Cocoon.
so its a zip up baby swaddle that slowly converts into a sleep sac as the baby is ready.

(please excuse me if you all have heard of this and I'm totally out of the loop. It happens.)

So i will try it out today, and she how she likes it, and report back.

Any moms out there have a solution to their baby addicted to the swaddle problem? Cause at this rate i will be doing it till shes 10.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Baby Talk

Lately, a lot of my friends have been having babies or getting pregnant.
So obviously all this baby talk has got me thinking...
Iv been thinking about how soon I want to hop back on the pregnancy train, and about how much I really enjoyed being pregnant!
i know, i know, my baby is still VERY much a baby, and at 9 months old maybe i shouldn't be thinking about an already new addition, but its hard not to!
Adam and I always said that 2 years is a good amount of time in between children. That way, they are close enough in age to HOPEFULLY be really good friends, they aren't too far apart where they will never WANT to be friends, I feel i can most likely handle an infant and a 2 year old, and that way I will be done having kids at a young age, and have lots of time to spend with them :)
Ok, so 2 years apart means that I should be pregnant by February... ummm excuse me?! that sounds way too soon...

After "doing the math" i figured I really have to relax about this whole thing... that maybe it doesn't have to be like clock work, and i need to just let it happen when it feels right for my little family.
NOT because my calendar says so.
So maybe i will be pregnant in February.
Who knows.
But maybe It will take a few years, and thats ok too. Because right now, all i want to do is enjoy this sweet baby I have, and keep her a baby as long as possible.
Making her a big sister just about blows my mind at this point, and Im not quite really for that kind of mind blowing.

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I love to write down my feelings and share them with whoever is interested. I love my small, growing family and feel so blessed to have such a loving, supportive husband who is always by my side.
